In August of 2006, Irma and I went along on a medical mission to Guatemala, organized by the Wichita County Medical Alliance, and hosted by Agape in Action. This was my second year to go, and Irma's third. Irma is a nurse, and she's bilingual, so she worked mostly at the clinic meeting with patients. I'm not medically trained, so I mostly washed and sterilized instruments, along with any other odd jobs that needed to be done. We spent 5 1/2 days working in Quiche, one days sightseeing (Lake Atitlan and Antigua), and the rest of the time travelling. Once again, it was a very worthwhile trip to help as many people as we did. Most photos below were taken with a 5 MP Sony digital camera.
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All of the thumbnails are linked to full-size pictures, so just click on a thumbnail to see the picture a little bigger. And don't miss the link to the slideshow version.

View from Room at Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo

Getting on the Bus in Antigua

View from Highway from Antigua to Quiche

Store in Quiche

Mural in Quiche

Irma at Market in Quiche near Tortilla Stand

Gencha with Newly Adopted Baby

Kathleen, Irma, Jose & Scott at Clinic

Larry, Freida, Flavia & Heidi

Carrolyn with Baby after Surgery

Cancerous Facial Tumor

Man After Removal of Cancerous Tumor

Kathleen, Wendy, Erin & Vicky

Katie & Hannah with Patients in Recovery

Jeff, Freida & Leo, Hernia Repair

Jeff, Freida & Leo, Closing Hernia Repair

Hospital in Quiche

Houses in Guatemala

Lake Atitlan

Monkey near Lake Atitlan

Scott Photographing a
Coati near Lake Atitlan

Waterfall near Lake Atitlan

Little Mayan Girl at Lake Atitlan

View of Volcano from Restaurant at Lake Atitlan

Destruction from Last Year's Flooding near Lake Atitlan

House Half Buried by Mudslide near Lake Atitlan

Cooled Lava Flow on Volcan de Pacaya

Jeff & Irma at Day Old Eruption on Volcan de Pacaya

Day Old Eruption on Volcan de Pacaya

Our Guide Pulling Molten Lava on Volcan de Pacaya

Four Day Old Eruption on Volcan de Pacaya

The Arch in Antigua

Ruins of Catedral de Santiago, Antigua

Ruins of Catedral de Santiago, Antigua

Catedral de Santiago in its Former Glory

One of the Courtyards in Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo

Another of the Courtyards in Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo

The Entire Crew at Hotel Posada de Don Rodrigo