Source Code:
FormCalculator Screenshot
Dim string1 As String
Dim value1 As Single
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim Equation() As String
Dim EquationLength As Integer
Dim ErrorCodes() As String
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Call CountFunc
End Sub
Private Sub CountFunc()
ctr = ctr + 1
TextOutput.Text = TextOutput.Text + vbCrLf + Str(ctr)
If ctr < 10 Then
Call CountFunc
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click()
test = 5
string1 = "(3 + 2)*5"
Call MathParser.EvaluateString(string1, Value, ErrorCodes())
NumberErrors = Val(ErrorCodes(0, 0))
If NumberErrors = 0 Then
TextOutput.Text = string1 + vbCrLf + Str(Value) + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + TextOutput.Text
TempString = "Error"
For ctr = 1 To NumberErrors
TempString = TempString + vbCrLf + " " + ErrorCodes(ctr, 0)
TempString = TempString + ", " + ErrorCodes(ctr, 1)
TempString = TempString + ", " + Chr$(34) + ErrorCodes(ctr, 2) + Chr$(34)
Next ctr
TextOutput.Text = TempString + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + TextOutput.Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub EvaluateString2(somevar)
somevar = somevar + 1
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
TextInput.Text = "Enter Expression Here"
TextInput.SelStart = 0
TextInput.SelLength = Len(TextInput.Text)
' TextInput.SetFocus
End Sub
Private Sub TextInput_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim EqString As String
If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
TestString = TextInput.Text
EqString = ""
'Remove returns
For ctr = 1 To Len(TextInput.Text)
TestChar = Mid(TextInput.Text, ctr, 1)
If Asc(TestChar) = 13 Or Asc(TestChar) = 10 Then
EqString = EqString + ""
EqString = EqString + TestChar
End If
Next ctr
TextInput.Text = EqString
TextInput.SelStart = 0
TextInput.SelLength = Len(TextInput.Text)
If Len(EqString) > 0 Then
Call MathParser.EvaluateString(EqString, Value, ErrorCodes())
NumberErrors = Val(ErrorCodes(0, 0))
If NumberErrors = 0 Then
TextOutput.Text = EqString + vbCrLf + Str(Value) + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + TextOutput.Text
TempString = "Error"
For ctr = 1 To NumberErrors
TempString = TempString + vbCrLf + " " + ErrorCodes(ctr, 0)
TempString = TempString + ", " + ErrorCodes(ctr, 1)
TempString = TempString + ", " + Chr$(34) + ErrorCodes(ctr, 2) + Chr$(34)
Next ctr
TextOutput.Text = TempString + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + TextOutput.Text
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Module- MathParser:
Option Explicit
Dim Eq() As String
Dim Parsed As Boolean
Dim EqLength As Integer
Dim ErrorCodes As String
Dim Errors() As String '(0,0)- Number Errors, 0 - Error Code, 1 - Message, 2 - StartLoc, 3 - StopLoc
Public Sub EvaluateString(EqString As String, Value, ErrorCodes() As String)
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim ctr2 As Integer
Dim TempString As String
Dim TestChar As String
'Do some initial processing to remove all spaces
For ctr = 1 To Len(EqString)
TestChar = Mid(EqString, ctr, 1)
If TestChar <> " " Then
TempString = TempString + TestChar
End If
Next ctr
EqString = TempString
'Initialize Variables
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, 0) As String
Errors(0, 0) = 0
'Call ParseEquation(EqString)
Call ParseToArray(EqString)
If Parsed Then
Call Evaluate(1, EqLength, Value)
End If
'If no errors, retype original equation as parsed equation
If Val(Errors(0, 0)) = 0 Then
EqString = ""
For ctr = 1 To EqLength
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "+"
EqString = EqString + " + "
Case "-"
EqString = EqString + " - "
Case Else
EqString = EqString + Eq(1, ctr)
End Select
Next ctr
End If
ReDim ErrorCodes(Val(Errors(0, 0)), 2)
ErrorCodes(0, 0) = Errors(0, 0)
For ctr = 1 To Val(Errors(0, 0))
For ctr2 = 0 To 1
ErrorCodes(ctr, ctr2) = Errors(ctr2, ctr)
Next ctr2
For ctr2 = Val(Errors(2, ctr)) To Val(Errors(3, ctr))
ErrorCodes(ctr, 2) = ErrorCodes(ctr, 2) + Eq(1, ctr2)
Next ctr2
Next ctr
'End If
If Not Parsed Then
EqString = TempString
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Evaluate(StartLoc As Integer, StopLoc As Integer, Value)
Dim ContEval As Boolean
Dim ContCheck As Boolean
Dim OpenPar As Integer
Dim ClosedPar As Integer
Dim NumErrs As Integer
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim LeftValue As Single
Dim RightValue As Single
Dim TestChar As String
ContEval = True
'If enclosed in parentheses, check to make sure that only one expression, then
'evaluate the expression in between
If ContEval And (Eq(1, StartLoc) = "(" Or Eq(1, StartLoc) = "[") And (Eq(1, StopLoc) = ")" Or Eq(1, StopLoc) = "]") Then
ContEval = False
OpenPar = 0
For ctr = StartLoc To (StopLoc - 1)
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
End Select
If OpenPar = 0 Then 'parentheses have enclosed an expression
ContEval = True
End If
Next ctr
If Not ContEval Then 'never found a parentheses enclosing an expression
If StopLoc > (StartLoc + 1) Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc + 1, StopLoc - 1, Value)
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
End If
End If
'If only one element long, look to see if it's a number or a defined variable
If ContEval And StartLoc = StopLoc Then
If Eq(0, StartLoc) = "N" Then
Value = Val(Eq(1, StartLoc))
'Look for variables. If not a defined variable, assign an error code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "01"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Variable not defined or character out of place"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
ContEval = False
End If
'Look for a + sign
ctr = StartLoc - 1
ContCheck = True
OpenPar = 0
Do While ContEval And ContCheck
ctr = ctr + 1
TestChar = Eq(1, ctr)
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "+"
If OpenPar = 0 And ctr <> StartLoc Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue + RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
End If
End Select
If OpenPar < 0 Then
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
If ctr = (StopLoc - 1) Then 'Stop the loop at the character one before the end of the expression
ContCheck = False
End If
'Look for a - sign
ctr = StartLoc - 1
ContCheck = True
OpenPar = 0
Do While ContEval And ContCheck
ctr = ctr + 1 'note that the first loop starts at the second character of the expression
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "-"
If OpenPar = 0 And ctr <> StartLoc Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue - RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
End If
End Select
If OpenPar < 0 Then
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
If ctr = (StopLoc - 1) Then 'Stop the loop at the character one before the end of the expression
ContCheck = False
End If
'Look for a * sign
ctr = StartLoc - 1
ContCheck = True
OpenPar = 0
Do While ContEval And ContCheck
ctr = ctr + 1 'note that the first loop starts at the second character of the expression
TestChar = Eq(1, ctr)
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "*"
If OpenPar = 0 And ctr <> StartLoc Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
LeftValue = LeftValue
Value = LeftValue * RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
End If
End Select
If OpenPar < 0 Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue + RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
If ctr = (StopLoc - 1) Then 'Stop the loop at the character one before the end of the expression
ContCheck = False
End If
'Look for a / sign
ctr = StartLoc - 1
ContCheck = True
OpenPar = 0
Do While ContEval And ContCheck
ctr = ctr + 1 'note that the first loop starts at the second character of the expression
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "/"
If OpenPar = 0 And ctr <> StartLoc Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
If RightValue <> 0 Then
Value = LeftValue / RightValue
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "03"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Divide By Zero"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
End If
End Select
If OpenPar < 0 Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue + RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
If ctr = (StopLoc - 1) Then 'Stop the loop at the character one before the end of the expression
ContCheck = False
End If
'Look for a ^
ctr = StartLoc - 1
ContCheck = True
OpenPar = 0
Do While ContEval And ContCheck
ctr = ctr + 1 'note that the first loop starts at the second character of the expression
TestChar = Eq(1, ctr)
Select Case Eq(1, ctr)
Case "("
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case ")"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "["
OpenPar = OpenPar + 1
Case "]"
OpenPar = OpenPar - 1
Case "^"
If OpenPar = 0 And ctr <> StartLoc Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue ^ RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
End If
End Select
If OpenPar < 0 Then
Call Evaluate(StartLoc, ctr - 1, LeftValue)
Call Evaluate(ctr + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = LeftValue + RightValue
ContEval = False
ContCheck = False
'Assign Error Code
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad parentheses"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
If ctr = (StopLoc - 1) Then 'Stop the loop at the character one before the end of the expression
ContCheck = False
End If
'Check StopLoc for !
'Check to see if a standard function
If ContEval Then
TestChar = LCase(Eq(1, StartLoc))
Select Case LCase(Eq(1, StartLoc))
Case "sin"
Eq(1, StartLoc) = LCase(Eq(1, StartLoc))
Call Evaluate(StartLoc + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = Sin(RightValue * 3.14159 / 180)
ContEval = False
Case "cos"
Eq(1, StartLoc) = LCase(Eq(1, StartLoc))
Call Evaluate(StartLoc + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = Cos(RightValue * 3.14159 / 180)
ContEval = False
Case "tan"
Eq(1, StartLoc) = LCase(Eq(1, StartLoc))
Call Evaluate(StartLoc + 1, StopLoc, RightValue)
Value = Tan(RightValue * 3.14159 / 180)
ContEval = False
End Select
End If 'ContEval
'Check to see if a user defined function
'Error Code
If ContEval Then
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "00"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Bad Expression"
Errors(2, NumErrs) = StartLoc
Errors(3, NumErrs) = StopLoc
Value = 1 'Standard value for an error
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ParseEquation(EqString As String)
Dim TestChar As String
Dim CharType As String
Dim PrevCharType As String
Dim StringLength As Integer
Dim ctrEquation As Integer
Dim continueParsing As Boolean
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim ElementLength As Integer
Dim continue As Boolean
Dim DecimalCount As Integer
Dim NumErrs As Integer
StringLength = Len(EqString)
ctrEquation = 0
continueParsing = True
ReDim Preserve Eq(2, 1)
Do While continueParsing = True
ctrEquation = ctrEquation + 1
ReDim Preserve Eq(2, ctrEquation)
ctr = 0
ElementLength = 0
continue = True
DecimalCount = 0
Parsed = True
'Do the loop
ctr = ctr + 1
TestChar = LCase(Mid(EqString, ctr, 1))
PrevCharType = CharType
If Asc(TestChar) >= 97 And Asc(TestChar) <= 122 Then
CharType = "L" 'letter
ElseIf Asc(TestChar) >= 48 And Asc(TestChar) <= 57 Or TestChar = "." Or TestChar = "," Then
CharType = "N" 'number
If TestChar = "." Then
DecimalCount = DecimalCount + 1
End If
If DecimalCount > 1 Then
continue = False
continueParsing = False
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Invalid Number"
Parsed = False
End If
CharType = "S" 'symbol
continue = False
End If
If ctr > 1 And CharType <> PrevCharType Then
continue = False
End If
If ctr = Len(EqString) Then
continue = False
End If
Loop Until Not continue
If ctr <> Len(EqString) Then
If CharType = "S" And ctr = 1 Then
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = PrevCharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr)
EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString) - ctr)
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = PrevCharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr - 1)
EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString) - ctr + 1)
End If
ElseIf ctr = 1 Then 'only one character left
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = CharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = EqString
continueParsing = False
ElseIf PrevCharType = CharType Then 'two characters together are the same
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = CharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr)
continueParsing = False
'EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString))
Else 'last character is different
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = PrevCharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr - 1)
EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString) - ctr + 1)
ctrEquation = ctrEquation + 1 'only one character left
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = CharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = EqString
continueParsing = False
'EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString) - ctr)
End If
If Len(EqString) = 0 Then
continueParsing = False
End If
EqLength = ctrEquation
Eq(0, 0) = EqLength
FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text = ""
For ctr = 1 To EqLength
FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text = FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text + Eq(0, ctr) + ", " + Eq(1, ctr) + vbCrLf
Next ctr
End Sub
Private Sub ParseToArray(EqString As String)
Dim TestChar As String
Dim CharType As String
Dim PrevCharType As String
Dim StringLength As Integer
Dim ctrEquation As Integer
Dim continueEquation As Boolean
Dim continueElement As Boolean
Dim ctr As Integer
Dim ElementLength As Integer
Dim DecimalCount As Integer
Dim NumErrs As Integer
StringLength = Len(EqString)
ctrEquation = 0
continueEquation = True
ReDim Preserve Eq(2, 1)
Do While continueEquation = True
ctrEquation = ctrEquation + 1
ReDim Preserve Eq(2, ctrEquation)
continueElement = True
ctr = 0
ElementLength = 0
DecimalCount = 0
Parsed = True
'Do the loop
Do While continueElement
ctr = ctr + 1
If ctr > Len(EqString) Then
CharType = "EOE" 'End of Equation
continueEquation = False
TestChar = LCase(Mid(EqString, ctr, 1))
If Asc(TestChar) >= 97 And Asc(TestChar) <= 122 Then
CharType = "L" 'letter
ElseIf Asc(TestChar) >= 48 And Asc(TestChar) <= 57 Or TestChar = "." Or TestChar = "," Then
CharType = "N" 'number
If TestChar = "." Then
DecimalCount = DecimalCount + 1
End If
If DecimalCount > 1 Then
continueElement = False
continueEquation = False
NumErrs = Val(Errors(0, 0))
NumErrs = NumErrs + 1
ReDim Preserve Errors(3, NumErrs)
Errors(0, 0) = NumErrs
Errors(0, NumErrs) = "02"
Errors(1, NumErrs) = "Invalid Number"
Parsed = False
End If
CharType = "S" 'symbol
End If
End If 'ctr > Len(EqString)
If CharType <> PrevCharType And ctr > 1 Then
continueElement = False
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = PrevCharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr - 1)
ElseIf CharType = "S" Then
continueElement = False
Eq(0, ctrEquation) = CharType
Eq(1, ctrEquation) = Left(EqString, ctr)
ctr = ctr + 1 'adding one to make the shorten string line below work properly, without
'having to have an if statement there
If Len(EqString) = 1 Then
CharType = "EOE"
continueEquation = False
End If
End If
PrevCharType = CharType
Loop 'continueElement
If CharType <> "EOE" Then
EqString = Right(EqString, Len(EqString) - (ctr - 1))
End If
Loop 'continueEquation
EqLength = ctrEquation
Eq(0, 0) = EqLength
FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text = ""
For ctr = 1 To EqLength
FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text = FormCalculator.TextDebug.Text + Eq(0, ctr) + ", " + Eq(1, ctr) + vbCrLf
Next ctr
End Sub