
This page contains a collection of source code and a few articles from my programming experience. It's not meant to be a full tutorial to teach you how to program- there are plenty of other sites for that, and I'm certainly not expert enough - it's just to share a few of the things that I've learned that may help you out or save you some time. Or you could just use it to download and play some of the games that I've made.

Most everything on here is in some form or another of BASIC, either Visual Basic, Q-BASIC, or TI-85 Basic, though some of the general information is applicable to any programming language. I learned Pascal and Fortran 77 for a high school and college class, respectively, but for what I do, they don't add anything valuable over BASIC. I've had limited experience with C and C++ (mostly modifying already written programs). I'd like to learn more about them, but that's just not one of my top priorities, since Visual Basic really does let you do a lot of stuff.

I have a Downloads section, that contains executable versions of a few of the better/more useful programs from this page, for those people that don't have Visual Basic installed on their computers.


Visual Basic

Why not start off with the most powerful version of Basic that I know. I started off using Visual Basic writing macros for MS Excel, but I've since learned the stand-alone version as well. If you don't want to buy the stand alone version, you can still write pretty powerful programs in Excel. The last program listed here is a simple Excel macro.


Source Code


I did a lot of Q-BASIC programming when I was in high school. Unfortunately, most of it was before I took a programming class and learned the basics of good programming practices. But, I still made some neat programs.

I discovered that it's very difficult to make screen captures of some Q-Basic programs in Windows XP. I'm not alone in that, as I've seen the issued raised in many web forums. I finally came across a good solution. Run the programs in DOS Box, an x86 emulator, and take a screen capture of that. Yeah, it seems kind of backwards to have to run an x86 emulator if your processor already is an x86, but it works.

Source Code

Old Classics

These are two of my favorite games. They used to come standard on every computer, back in the days of DOS, but now they've become pretty hard to find. So, here they are, for your gaming pleasure. Note that I'm only giving the actual Q-BASIC program for download - no html version of the source code. A little disclaimer, in case you've never heard of these programs - I did not write them. They were copyrighted by Microsoft in 1990.